Reflections on SUN Brazil 2022: short interview with Eliana Escudero

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Interview with Eliana Escudero Zuniga, SIM-Educator Consultant from Santiago de Chile, on SUN Brazil 2022

SZ: Why did you attend the SUN?

I was invited as “Keynote” of this event that has great international prestige to talk about INACSL’s standards of Best Practices ( This organization is the creator of the standards, which despite having been published a few years ago, are now available in an improved version because it is based on more scientific evidence, more flexibility and developed with a global perspective. Associated with the standards is also the “Endorsement” process, which has just been initiated by this international company and whose purpose is to recognize institutions that can demonstrate that they carry out their programs with quality.

SZ: What are the key points of SUN?

EBS is advancing in all its areas and significantly improves the education and training of healthcare professionals, which should improve patient safety. The Covid-19 pandemic leaves us in a patient safety crisis and a space for simulation to help mitigate damage and prevent errors. The training of educators is essential for the use of simulation. Collaborative work and the experiences of others are important to share in meetings like SUN. Participants appreciate it and need it.

SZ: What are the main SIM news that you observed in this event?

I would say three major themes:

  • • Technology that advances, but requires the preparation of the educator with an innovative vision. The opportunities to develop improvements in the way of education exist, and depend on those who have the responsibility to make changes in the educational process.
  • • Standards-based simulation to develop quality teaching is critical to achieving a safety culture. Today there are many resources available in various languages. It is necessary to establish training programs for simulationists that reach areas where this is still new and it is essential that future professionals, i.e. current students, are also involved in the usefulness and necessity of using this methodology. They are the main agents of change.
  • • Use of scientific evidence and validated material to support teaching with simulation. It is essential to work with the tools available to the educator and which will facilitate teaching.

SZ: What are the prospects for medical simulation in LATAM?

LATAM needs to advance in the use of simulation-based training, with greater standardization and training of simulators. Congresses such as SUN and others, as well as scientific societies, are critical to the massive use of this methodology and progress towards safe health. Today, interest groups, committees and regional groups are being formed under the auspices of large international corporations that offer opportunities for research, discussion and reflection to continue to advance at the local level. Educators must have greater participation in scientific events and in societies.

SZ: Are you planning to attend other SIM events?

Always, since it is the duty of a simulationist to stay up to date in congresses. Personally I like to frequent these spaces, because they are very valuable in terms of what you learn and always give the opportunity to see great friends again. It is also the place where great collaborative projects and acknowledgements are consolidated.

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