And we’re growing!

Pier Luigi Ingrassia
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The summer issue of SIMZINE always comes with some big news. Editor-in-chief Pier Luigi Ingrassia tells us about them

Summer issues of SIMZINE are always special for us because they mark the birthday of this lovely magazine. We started, back in 2021 as an all-Italian publishing experiment, with the genuine desire to share experiences and opportunities, get to know people, simulation centers and companies, understand in more detail the different simulation devices and the inventors who are making them. Last year, with the ambition to give voice to a larger number of curious simulationists, researchers and professionals and create a larger community of passionate people, we decided to become multi-language and we started publishing all articles in Italian, English and Spanish [and some articles also in French]. This year we are excited to share with you, beloved SIMZINErs, that we have become a publishing house. The aim is always the same: we want to share stories about simulation and people, making known the individuals who build the simulators we use, but also talking about theories, methods and products to better understand the context where we work. So, we are proud to announce our first book in the SIMpeople series: The Dolls’ Engineer. It is the autobiography of Willem van Meurs, an inventor of simulators. Actually, through his story we have a chance to discover and trace the last 30 years of simulation history. At least, that’s what happened to me in the review and editing process. And I discovered, for example, that two decades ago the American Heart Association recommended for adults in out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest, chest compression-only CPR for untrained lay rescuers; a team of brilliant minds realized that on their simulator chest compressions, applied to create blood flow, also created enough ventilation to keep both perfusion and oxygenation of vital organs going. But they were too busy to carefully check their models and publish these data.

So, I can only wish you to enjoy the reading.

But it is not over. This week we’re officially launching our newly redesigned website! Please go have a look at it, your feedback will be more than welcome: 

We sought to update our website’s design and enhance reader engagement by increasing its accessibility and building in more space for innovative formats. Our new web presence features a fuller landing page that allows us to display more articles, and presents multimedia contents more prominently. At the same time, we aimed to maintain the character and the style of our in-print magazine to ensure the new site feels familiar and easy to navigate. 

Our tech team has worked hard over the past few months to create a more engaging, user-friendly, and informative platform for our readers. We’d like to thank all of them and in particular Lucia Pampana, who coordinated all the work in the past months. 

We hope you enjoy the new site, and we welcome and look forward to your feedback. Feel free to email with any thoughts.

And now I invite you, lovely SIMZINErs, to learn more about how to use ChatGPT to produce statistically accurate patient profiles based on NIH and WHO data to increase diversity in healthcare simulations. And take a look at the latest SIM Debate where our panelists discuss how to best use Virtual Patient Encounter technology while overcoming limitations and driving innovation in healthcare training. And don’t miss the opportunity to meet Jacob Rahman, who shares his point of view and explains why having a clear understanding of the simulation industry can help educators make more efficient choices or discover how a simulator has been created through the direct voices of its inventors. And much more in this Summer issue of SIMZINE!



Pier Luigi Ingrassia

Pier Luigi Ingrassia

Centro di Simulazione (CeSi), Centro Professionale Sociosanitario Lugano View all Posts

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